
Monday, January 11, 2010

Illustration Friday: Confined

When deciding on images I wanted to paint for the 6" x 6" exhibition I thought about my previous whale and boy illustration, and wondered how I could squeeze these characters into a more confined square space. I'm often cropping images down, but this forced me to think about how the image related to the edges of the board, and I liked how this influenced the work.

Here are a few process photos. For info on paints and technique please see my 'Undone' post.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Illustration Friday: Renewal

I've been trying to get a new painting started, but I just couldn't let this IF topic slip by without a post. For me, 2009 was all about change, and oh, so many changes there were! A new job, and moving for the first time in 9 years, and being now back in Ohio with dear friends, and getting involved in the local arts community has brought on an amazing feeling of renewal for me. My life had grown quite stale, but now new possibilities and creative opportunities are everywhere!

For the past few years I've thought of each year in terms of themes I want to focus on. Going back to my 2009 Resolve post I was happy to see that I did keep all my 'resolves' in mind, especially the part about being more pro-active in all things. I took a lot of leaps, and told myself again and again to think and worry less, and do more.....just do....just act.

This year, as I find there's just so much more going on, deadlines everywhere, etc., I'm going to work on keeping my momentum going, but to really work on my focus. I finally have a calendar up at the new place, and I'll need to work more on scheduling and budgeting my time.

I decided that this year also needed a symbol, which is the running rabbit above. I started seeing this type of rabbit here and there, and paging through my sketchbook had drawn one, and written that seeing one was a sign that I was on the right path. I do feel like I've taken a trip down the rabbit hole, and while there were a few things that I was running from, (old limiting ideas and fears), this year it's more about all the things I'm running towards. My Chinese zodiac sign also happens to be the rabbit. This year, I believe I'm going to need to keep a move on to avoid being eaten up during this approaching year of the tiger!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

OAL Thumb Box Exhibition highlights

There's a nice article about the OAL Thumb Box Exhibition on Jeff Regensburger's On Summit blog. I was pleasantly surprised to see my little paintings mentioned as a newcomer to the local arts scene. It was a fun show to be able to participate in!

Check out the article here: On Summit- OAL Thumb Box Exhibition