This will be my 34th post. It's not quite the 'at least once a week' goal I was reaching for, but it does feel like an accomplishment. This has been a real up and down year for me. I have noticed that for me every year seems to have a theme or a certain focus, and I seem to follow my own little story arc that supports it. This year I thought I knew what I wanted this year to be about, and what goals were most necessary to achieve, mainly to buy a house, but I learned that sometimes the path from A to C involves a lot more focus on B than you had intended. There was so much more middle stuff that needed to be accomplished before the end goal C could ever be thought about. But that has been a good thing since stopping to focus more on my art and career has opened up new and exciting opportunities that may bring me to a better point C than I ever had imagined. This year I learned that the most random points in your life have a way of connecting in ways you never considered. I hope in 2007 to see even more of my dots connect.
Amen to that, Angela. It's sort of pointless to do too much planning in life, because those detours can certainly take over from time to time. Congrats on your one year. It has been wonderful to view your art and to read your nice comments on my blog. Have a great holiday! I love this and "Peace" as well.
Beatiful one year ago and beautiful today! Happy anniversary, Angela!
Happy Barfday to Angelato! (Sorry, thought I'd just stick with a theme there)
Wow! A whole year, already?? Crazy, insane, but brilliant! You're always inspiring!
BTW: Thanks for peer pressuring me into starting my own art-blog. I wouldn't have caved in for anyone else other than you. ;)
Have a radical holiday in Indy.
Dear Angela, thanks for share this!
Happy birthblog! Chin chin for the A B C points!!!
I'll be on vacation too!!!
Good luck!!!
Happy 1st anni!!! Great work as always!!! happy holidays!
happy blog-aversary! thanks for your comment on my blog :)
Congratulations and happy birthday!! incredible illos. I love the color :)
Inspiring, Angela. I also started blogging around this time. It's been an interesting journey hasn't it?
I love your little blog b-day girl! May I have a piece of that cake, please?
Happy New Year!
Congratulations on 1 year! :-)
Happy Annivery and happy new year!!
Happy First Blog-a-versary, and a Happy New Year!
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!!! :D
Happy B-day Blog!! Love your illos!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!!
Happy B-day.
A lovely illo you made :-)
Hey, congrats on your blogiversary! And I like your stuff, especially your red post. :-) I come from the design world myself, good luck on getting into the children's books! :-)
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