
Monday, December 06, 2010

They Draw & Cook Holiday Recipe

Now, we see what secret recipe prompted the other reindeer to ask Rudolph to join in all their reindeer games!

They Draw and Cook is an amazing project put together by Nate Padavick and Salli Swindell where artists illustrate their favorite recipes. I had done a recipe earlier which hasn't posted yet on their site, and when I heard they were holding a holiday contest teamed Food Network I couldn't miss the fun of entering.

This Mango Frappé is something I invented a few weeks ago. I had enjoyed some pumpkin ice cream, and thought mango and cinnamon might make a nice orange-colored combo, and it quickly became one of my favorite treats. I usually just throw these kinds of things together, so it was good that I did an actual test with measuring cups and spoons since my first guestimates were way off.

I'm so excited to see that my recipe was just featured on the Food Network blog!


lil kim said...

Love it Angela! Great recipe, and love the layout of Santa drinkin it up with the reindeer (and rudolph's sweater!)

Congrats on being featured on the FN blog!

Angela Matteson said...

Thanks Kim!

Loni Edwards said...

Congratulations, Angela! That is wonderful! I love your recipe, it sounds delicious!

Juana Martinez-Neal said...

Congrats, Angela!! The wait was more than worth it. Congrats!!

sketched out said...

Love it, Angela! Absolutely adorable reindeer and fantastic design layout. How exciting that you made it to the FN blog!!! Woooooo! Congrats!