Sure bee boy enjoys buzzing from place to place on wing power alone, but when he has the real need for speed nothing beats a super fly sports car. (Just hope the fly doesn't notice he "borrowed" it.)
I had the inspiration for this illustration ever since the
Insect topic from last month. Speed seemed to be a fitting topic to turn this concept into tangible art.
So cute. He's adorable!
This is really fun - love the sunglasses!
This is so cool and funny! Great work.
This is so cute and funky! Love the expression and the little car.
Bee boy be coolin'. :-)
This is very nice. The colors are so appealing. What media do you use? How do you create your background? I really like this one a lot.
So...that's where all the buzzing comes from...when the bees buzz around in their convertibles! Fantastic as usual!
Yes! I love your bee people! Like the couple of bees you did for 'insect,' this speed racer needs a speed race-ette.
Thanks for the kind comments!
Debra,it's almost all digital done in Painter IX with the gouache brushes. I also added some texture from a photo I took of an outside wall. The background pattern is a piece of art I created and turned into a pattern in Painter.
Roz, you're so right! I see her now. Bee girl in a cute lil' love bug beetle.
Haha! I love it! B-Boy Rules. Wait, B-Boys need Fly-Girls! (There's a song about it even) I'll just assume he's off to pick her up for a fun date. GREAT illo Angela. This makes me smile for miles!
PS: Are you sure this guy can drive? He looks legally blind. Ha! I keed, I keed. He must wear his "sunglasses at night" too. 'Cos "his future's so bright he's GOTTA wear shades."
this is bee-utiful!!! bee boy is adorable in his sporty sppedy car! love this!!!
That's one sweet ride! I really like the detail of the car against the patterned bacground, and the bee booy looks very swanky! Great job:>
That's one sweet ride! I really like the detail of the car against the patterned bacground, and the bee booy looks very swanky! Great job:>
That's one sweet ride! I really like the detail of the car against the patterned bacground, and the bee booy looks very swanky! Great job:>
Love the "wallpaper" , cute!
I really adore your illustrations. The patterns get me every time. Great lighting as well. I love the bee boy!
Hey Angela,
Nice blog, I like your work too! I'm a fan! Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a nice comment.
I'll come back to this blog.
This is great Angela, I love your work. I think that;s such a cool speedy little car! I was browsing through some previous posts, too, haven;t been on the scene to chak out other blogs lately, so it was great to catch up. Love your Monster #2. Bravoi!
It's always a treat to visit sites of those who draw well. I enjoy your simple, elegant whimsical style.
i like your illy!! too cute! :D
this is so cool. i'm very curious about your technique. what medium?
Very cute. I like the colors and the pattern in the background.
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