From the moment I saw this week's topic I knew I wanted to do a 'in the tub' scene even though I knew there would be a lot of similar entries. I wasn't sure who would be in my little tub until I remembered the time my mom and I attempted to bathe our extremely bratty, ornery cat Max. Mom said it couldn't be done, but I truly believed that since I was bigger, and even more stubborn than him that I would be triumphant. Well, as soon as I got him soaped up and slippery he did the 'crocodile death roll', I lost hold of him, and he jumped out of the basement sink, and ran upstairs. I paused, heard the 'I told you so' from mom, and calmly went up after him. I found him just sitting in the middle of the floor. I told him we would have to finish this thing, and his soapy little self realized I was right, and he let me carry him back down to the basement.
I've been meaning to get back to traditional painting for a long time now. I've become so dependent on the computer that the thought of picking up a real brush is extremely intimidating. I needed to break through this barrier. I want to get into working in acrylic, but for this first go around I went back to the medium I used to know best....watercolors.
Cute and fun! Nice story too :D
Angela, this is delightful! The colors make it pop right off the page. It reminds me of Maurice Sendak's "Alligators All Around" for "Really Rosie." You're wise to bounce back and forth between digital and traditional media ~ keep challenging yourself! Looking forward to seeing what you do with acrylics. I have a giant bag full of them that I rarely use except to paint on 3D surfaces...for Christmas ornaments, frames, wooden boxes, but I've never tried it on a canvas. Perhaps I will?
This is so very very fun! Thanks for sharing!
wonderful color. delightful~
This painting is great and the colors are too! You should have no fear going back to painting - your style is wonderful.
the colors are so great and his tongue hanging out is my favorite part!
This is a really delightful painting! I love the way the green aligator stands out against that orange background. Your cat bath story is hilarious. The only time I tried to get a cat wet was when i was a little girl...it was such a hot day and I thought my cat would enjoy a dip in the kiddie pool...well...all I can say is that cats can fly!
You should most definitely just start playing around with paints again! I can't even begin to tell you how artistically energized I've felt since I've been painting again, and I too felt very intimidated because I had come to rely so much of photoshop and illustrator. This is really excellent...do some more:>
this is great, and great in a simple way.
I especially like the texture of the paint.
i really like it, it's great that you always use lively colours!!!
and thanks to link my blog!
I like the contrast of the orange and the green. Plus, he looks like he's having a lot of fun with that soap. :) Nice work.
i love this!!! you fooled me because I thought your work was painted, so your work inherently has that feel and that's a good thing! I only paint and wish I did a little computer work but my peeps want a physical peice of art. This is a darling painting and I hope you dive right in!
Ohh! I love the gator - marvelous expression! This is so fun - and the colors are right on! :)
Cute take on the theme. Maybe that is why gator skin boots are so expensive! ;-)
i like where u took this hand how u did it in watercolors nice illo
great illO! love the happy gator! I like in FL so we have lots of bathtub gators here!
well congrats on the watercolors, i am envious, i can't do computer or watercolor art! the gator is wonderful, as is your story!
What a delightful take on "clean." Such a contrast in colors. It's quite whimsical. Such a splendid and dynamic composition.
Oh, I can't do it Angela...you know me, I gotta write what you would expect from ME! Mwahahaha...
Great story; if the cat were being bathed by me I would've let it run off. Then when it went to sleep I would poop in his litter box to teach him a valuable lesson about knowing what's best for him. Plus, he would forever know who's boss!!!
PS: Man, I need to get back to traditional paints too. I'll bend over, and you can kick me in the keister. Or better yet, send me evil emails threatening my dead hamster I had during childhood or something. That might do the trick! Bonus: It'll make you feel good during your work day!
Great illustration, love it and all the other work on you blog, too.
lovely! you should definitely do more! There's just something about making a mess that's really great.
I like it that his tongue is sticking out. It reminds me of my grandmother, she also used to do that whenever she was concentrating on a task =)
Angela, you are SO good! I just adore this illo, and it's exciting to know it was done with watercolors...
Did your cat act like this?
Crocodile Cat
I chuckled outloud when I saw this. What a kid-friendly piece. Hope this is a submission piece.
Thanks everyone for all the encouragement!
It's crazy how hard it is to start painting again after a long break, but it is sorta like riding a bicycle when you get back to it.
I have a lot more of experimenting I want to do in traditional mediums.
Genuinely delightful!
Great story and I am glad you picked up the brush. I love the use of color and shapes.
I'm thinking your character and my entry live on the same floor together! Maybe even neighbors! :o)
Great illustration! Very fun!
Great story and fabulous illio! I love the colors and the expression! It is so sweet and all the bubbles!
hehe, really love this crocodile, he is having a shower-blast!
Great story. Spiffy little crocodile with pink soap. I like the claw foot bathtub, it reminds me of my parents old tub, except we had fewer crocs.
how cute =) very funny idea, and cutely illustrated!
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