When I woke up this morning....well, I guess it would be yesterday now...anyway, all reports on the radio were suggesting if possible, it would be best to stay home due to snow and gusting winds. I'm not always one to do what I'm told, but that sounded like an absolutely marvelous idea! So, I used one of my vacation days, in order to have my very own snow day. It seemed like a good idea to avoid crashing into a snow drift. I decided in the spirit of the day to have fun with it, and enjoy myself. The first plan was to go back to bed, but I was too wide awake because I had already decided that this would be a painting day, and I was eager to get started. Since I had the time I fiddled away on the sketch longer than anticipated causing a late start, so I ended up finishing just a little while ago.

I had been wanting to experiment more with acrylics for quite some time, so it was good to finally follow through. My paint supply is a bit lacking at the moment, so I had to supplement with fabric paints to give me a broader color range. I did a thin value study wash, and then played with thicker layers of colors over the top. I'm fairly happy with the result. It felt good to have my fingers covered in paint again. All in all it was a good day. Maybe we'll have to have another blizzard next week. :)
I love it angela!!! How fun :) Great idea!
beautiful work, really love it!!
Red car guy looks like he might have a bit of remorse for hitting blondie. "Dude! Sorry, man." Blondie digs it, though. He knows the big smelly kid is coming up behind him for a bigger crash.
Your use of real paint is inspiring to me. I think I'll pull that big red box out sometime soon.
Thanks for posting the value sketch, which was a great reminder to me of using thin paint to build up tones.
One idea, I like the cropping you used on the value study image. Really makes that "crash" big.
I know the expressions are kinda backwards, and may seem out of character until someone comes up with a story where they make sense. Thanks for providing a great story Glimbit!
I debated about giving the colored version some proper cropping. I had so much fun with the background that I couldn't bare to part with anymore of it yet. After I lay in some finishing touches, and rescan to try to get rid of that white glowy hot spot I'll give it a more appropriate crop.
Great illustration and idea. Your work
has a very sweet charm to it. I have been wanting to get back into acrylics
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog.
this is beautiful!!:)
This looks great, and it looks like the kids have lots of fun!
Anette Heiberg
Hooray for snows days! Great bumper cars. That's the best part of bumper cars it's as much fun being the bumpee as the bumper! Hope there's more snow next week!
bumper cars are my favorite!
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