Last weekend the weather was beautiful so I went out and found a very nice forest preserve, and walked the tree-lined paths for a few miles. It was a perfect day except I noticed that others must have thought the woodland floor was for disposing their plastic bottles and other assorted trash. It got me thinking that living with all that litter must give the woodland creatures the blues.
Wonderful work! It makes me sad too, especially out in the woods.
I like your interpretation ! Very good !
yes, that always makes me mad too. When I'm taking a walk with my boyfriend , he always collect the rubish we meet on the way, to throw it away at home. At first i was a bit embarassed walking with someone carrying a load of rubbish, but after thinking of it I concluded he is a hero!
oops, forgot to tell you: lovely illustration!
ohhh very pretty illo!
it makes me a lil more then sad when i see it but i wont go there. nice thought and somethng everyone should think about for they drop there S... on the ground
That really is a blue topic, I wish there was something the world as a whole would wake up and do about it. I t wouldn't take much. Love your characters though, they're gorgous and good luck with the children's book industry, i'm hoping to get into greetings cards soon but i'm still in Uni so I still have a bit of work to do yet.
What an emotional illo! Great!
Why do we spend so much on something that is just water? Recent news has brought out fact that the two leading brands are just filtered tap water. And then to add insult by throwing the bottles away so they can sit for thousands of years.
The illustration definitely fits the topic.
Thanks everyone!
Sandra, you're so right. He is a hero!
Larry, thanks for the link on filtered tap water. So often the stuff in the bottles is nothing special.
I refill my bottles with tap water from a Pur filter pitcher. With some brands coming from all over the world half their cost is in transportation. So then there is all that unnecessary oil use for gas in addition to the making of the plastic that won't decompose.
Very touching illustration - and lovely as well. Your characters are wonderful and your take on the topic is noble. Thank you.
This is one of my favorites this week. You did such a great job. Love the colors, design and concept.
Great illo and story Angela! It is sad that some people don't really make the effort to find a bin to throw away things. Here in Malaysia, we have the very same problem too.
Your style is so unqiue. I love it!
This is fabulous!
Very nice...sorry i missed it last week!
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