I'm looking forward to the movie. The trailer looks amazing! I've always liked the idea of polar bears, or ice bears, as modes of transportation. Over at the Golden Compass website you can discover your daemon which is your animal spirit that accompanies you throughout your life, and represents a person's soul. After taking the quiz I met my daemon Remis the lion. I tend to identify with the cat family, so I think we are well matched. We're going to go watch some tv now. Heroes is starting to get good again :)

you have beautiful work! so soft and fresh and light! love it!
Really, really nice. Love your subjects. Your work is very lovely.
Beautiful illo, Angela! Why are they banning the story? It's fiction right? I also don't understand why people would go to great length to ban fictions.
Anyway, I will go and see which is my daemon! Thanks for the link!
emila yusof
Beautiful illustration, I love the hues of blue ! and great Daemon ;o)
So glad I found your blog. Your work is just beautiful!
Great post and thanks for the link. Went there and found out my daemon is raccoon.
Can't wait to see what you do next. Great blog!
How fabulous works here, Angela! Love your illustrations and your photos too!
I waiting for this movie, hope they will play it in here.., I've seen the book cover it's amazing, and your version tooo :D!
Beautiful illustration! Love the stretched shapes of the girl and the bear. The US doesn't rate very high in regard to freedom of speech. I have lived in Massachusetts for a year and I love the country. Unfortunately respect and logic don't always rule (especially in these times). Sometimes I wonder why they even allow South Park and the Colbert Report ;-).
What a lovely illo! I love the softness. Very Nice!
Nice illo. I think the movie looks really good too. I have heard the reason people want to ban the movie but I have not read the book so I can't really say why the movie/story is objectionable.
What I heard was:
The writer of "The Golden Compass" hated "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" because it was a story that centered around a Christian theme. In response to Lewis the writer of "TGC" wanted to make an story that was anti-God or anti-Christian.
Great illo! and I love the story behind it. Can't wait for the movie to come out, either!
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! :)
Ella, I love Colbert! Stephen is sooo cute, and his sarcastic wit makes me smile!! I'm really missing his show and The Daily Show with this writer's strike going on.
Josh, I read similar reports, and that the author is an atheist. I loved the Narnia series, and as a kid I never picked up on the Christian themes. If I were a kid today I don't think I'd pick up on the anti-religious themes of TGC either. I do like that it opens up a discussion of ideas.
awesome work angela...great job!
Love your work, it is gorgeous. I have read the books and they are fantastic. Funny thing is, the more hoo ha there is about banning the book, the more publicity they actually give the book! Anyway, people whose beliefs are so easily threatened are saying so much more about themselves than anything else when they talk about banning and censoring others.
Very well put heartfelt blogger!
Thanks Angela for opening up this cool dialog about the movie.
Nice illo!
the Golden Compass is a fabulous young adult fantasy novel...and a must read for any avid children's book reader.
I fully agree with you, being a Christian, that this book, although it touches on anti organized religious sentiment, shouldn't be banned merely when one disagrees with Pullman's perspective.
It really was a page turner with an excellent story line and fabulously interesting characters.
(thanks for the daemon link btw :)
Really lovely piece. I love the colours. The polar bear was my favorite part of the book.
I love this! Even though it looks chilly - it makes me all warm and cozy!
Oh - And I tagged you for FIVE RANDOM THINGS - Visit my blog to see more details. :) - Kim
Lovely illustration.
His dark material trilogy is a must read, I loved them, can't wait for the movie.
so lovely! i love the colors and the mood of your piece!
Hope you dont mind but i've tagged you to list 5 random things about yourself :)
Great characters, and just it time for the chilly weather. I wasn't aware of the controversy around TGC, but it does sound like silliness.
I am never in support of banning something simply because of different ideas or philosophies.
I'm off to see what my animal spirit is...
Ah, I like, I like -a!!!!!
Is this a bi-polar bear?
One day we're prolly' just gonna ban ALL books. Because no one will ever be satisfied. That would suck if we lost books (and that's coming from someone who doesn't read as much anymore). The bright side? At least no one will ever say "the book was sooooo much better than film" ever again. :P
Marchestra the Crow is my girl.
She has sexy legs and likes corn.
You have some wonderful shades of blue in your illo!
The closeness of their faces, the way their eyes line up, helps show them as more than a transportation arrangement, but friends, too. Also, great winter piece. This almost prepares me for it.
I agree with you Angela. We need to be careful that we don't raise people with little ability to think or judge value for themselves.
Anyway, themes like myths, magic (and daemons!) will always be controversial with certain mindframes. It was Dungeons and Dragons for me.
Nothing could help Golden Compass' success more!
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