This was a commission that I completed for someone as a christmas gift for her father. She wanted a portrait of their dog, Cocoa who had passed away. I used gouache on this acrylic paper I found which had a linen finish, and held up to the paint better than the bristol I had been previously using. I was given a few photos to work from, and I asked for a list of his traits. She said he liked the snow and liked riding in cars, so I incorporated that into it. (The snowy background is a little hard to see in the scan.) Trying to get some kind of likeness was difficult, especially since I couldn't see his eyes in any of the pics. When I gave it to her she said she loved it, and said I got the eyes perfect. Whew! He ended up younger than the pic, but she liked that since the painting was about remembering the good times when he was still alive.
what a lovely story and painting, angela!! really nice work..how 'bout this rain? go cubbies!
a : )
Thanks Andi!
Yeah, time to pull out the hip waders. :P
I'm just glad that it's not ice and snow.
I love the colors.
Wonderfully done!
It looks just like my dog Cinder!
angela - this is so awesome! if you ask me, you did an amazing job!
Really beautiful, Angela!
You have an amazing range. I really like this style.
Thanks everyone!
You DO have an amazing range. What a gorgeous painting of a precious lil guy. Such a nice thing to be able to do for someone. I'm sure she will cherish this forever.
wow! great work!
Fabulous. Love how you do his hair.
You did a wonderful job on this! Just beautiful! I'm sure Cocoa's owner is very happy with it. Now they can remember him like this.. beautiful!
So sweet! I love his little bitey teeth.
this is sweet indeed and lovely work!
The sweetest story. Love this homage piece!
You've really captured the dog's personality here. Great work, Angela. These are such good gifts for people. :-)
Wow, terrific rendering on the fur. Great job.
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