When Jillian Curtis contacted me about the Holocaust Memorial that she is building in her front yard I was more than happy to participate. It's a wonderful way to teach her children that every life is precious, and that we can never let hate overcome.
Jillian is asking that stars of any sort be sent. As I thought of what to illustrate I remembered the striking imagery of the girl in the red coat in Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List. While the girl in the movie wasn't based on anyone in particular, Roma Ligocka said that when she saw the movie she saw herself. She was wearing that same red coat when she was a little girl at the door to the home of the polish family that took her in, and secretly housed her.
You can follow the star project on Jillian's blog: Blog Me Til Midnight
••• update: The Winona Daily News did a story on the project. There's a sweet photo of Jillian and her boys holding my star. The article is here.
•••• 2 News stations covered the project for Holocaust Remembrance Day. You can read the articles, and watch the videos at these links:
KAALtv story and video
WEAU story and video on lower right side
Your star is wonderful!
This is a great project. It was fun to participate!!
Very nice scheme. It's somber without being drab. You sure can paint!
Hauntingly beautiful. I love all the gray and the pop of red. It's not only aesthetically pleasing, it really gets the mood and the message across.
What a wonderful project Jillian has created and you are participating in. Kudos to you.
I am just stunned. This is so beautiful! Really - seriously I am just in love!!!! Dang, I love that piece for what it is on the star but I so wish it was a print that I could purchase!! The colors and that look on her face. ..
This is amazing. It's really beautiful and gets the idea across so well. Really love it!
Oh, what a post, Angela. Congratulations to you for participating in this and for the amazing work of art. I will never forget the image of the girl in the movie..you have captured this so well. Beautifully illustrated.
Happy holidays to you, and thank you for being here in blog land..I very much enjoy all of your work!
This is a beautiful and poignant set of images. Well done. To me the dark, rich red is hopeful. An interesting project!
Beautiful piece.
oh my, stunning and haunting. Very, very well done. I love this project. Kudos all around!
very powerful way to keep the memory alive! And the star is beautiful and haunting at the same time!
Beautifully illustrated and wonderful story.
Really beautiful! Congratullations!
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