When I saw the IF topic, worry, I almost was going to do a collage of some of my past illustrations since so many of my characters end up with a somewhat worried look on their faces. I think I'm drawn to that worried look because you can see that something is churning in their brain. I find the mystery of what that may be intriguing.
I'm not sure what this bunny is worried about. I know he wasn't so sure he'd make it to post before the deadline, and he's not sure where he came from. He just showed up about 5 minutes after I started sketching. I'm not so sure he's worried about anything in particular, and instead is just generally neurotic.
He is so cute, glad he snuck in in time for the deadline!! :)
I like the color combination, and the texture. I like your cartoony style too--it's very inviting.
Very cute. Nice textures. Love the expression! Good job.
I know! My caracters also very often look so worrried! There are just so many things for little rabbits and us all to worry about isn´t there? :)
Really cute... such a great expression! Love the colors.
Yep, you do 'worried' very well. Love the little guy and hope he smiles soon.
haha - a neurotic bunny :)
my chinchillas have that worried look on their face with the big ole dog trots by, or they hear a loud noise, or i'm putting hay in the bowl, or changing their water...well, you get the picture...they are a worried bunch!
I believe it's pronounced neur-hopic, in bunny language.
He is just too shy and knows very well that a lot of people is looking at him.
Yes, well, I can relate to your neurotic bunny, hee hee. He sure is a cutie though.
I wonder if he knew how cute he was if that would help his state of mind any? Nah, actually he would probably then worry about long he'd be able to keep up the cute facade... or when will people realize he's really a hack, cute bunny... hee (sigh.)
i think he is very sweet!!
a : )
Oh, what does he have to worry about? He is too cute to be worried.
Someone's clearly talking about him behind his back. :P
I love this illo -a!!!!!!!!!!
So simple, yet so effective!
Very good expression. He's soo cute and he looks so worried that
I want to give him a hug.
Really worry ? I think sad. Nice works.
That's too cute!! Do you mind sharing your technique? Love the texture!
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