Marshall was fed up with being picked on and bullied everyday at school. So, he asked the teacher's permission to bring his pet bunny Xander into class. She delightfully agreed saying that she just loved cute little bunnies. She had no idea what she was in for.
I started on the idea for this sketch awhile ago, and when I saw the topic I thought it was a perfect reason to to try and finish it. I had trouble deciding on my colors, so I spent most of my time playing with the hues in photoshop. Monster bunnies reminds me of how Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Anya said her biggest fear was bunnies. Oh, how I miss that show. : (

I saw this monster while mindlessly staring off into nothingness, and there he was. Lately, a lot of my illustrations start out from images I see when I'm not thinking about drawing. Daydreaming can be an artist's best tool.

I debated about posting this one. I have been keeping a clean potty-free sketch blog here, so this may be in bad taste. I was drawing this monster's portrait when he somehow got turned around, and appeared to be .....well, as you can see,....busy. So I drew him an environment, so everyone could see he was civilized, and not using the side of a building or other inappropriate place. Big thanks to Google image search for providing
many references.
I really like your Xander illustration and your other monster drawings.
I like your monsters and your style!
So glad I found you again with all the many entries - it was delightful to get caught up on your work from the last several topics. I love your style so much - and your scary bunny is just too much! Also love the odd duck - felt like that plenty of times in my life! Nice work!!
All of these "monsters" are fantastic!! I LOVE the coloring you did on the first one...and, the looks on their faces are precious! The little tilt in the head adds so much to the image...and, the little guy's confidence tells a story in itself.
LOLing at the "busy" image and the references!
Fun images!
Hey! Your monsters are cool! Your work is consistently stunning.
Cute monsters!
i love potty humour!!! The bunny looks sad that he is on a leash... I always love yer stuff!
Well thank you for the giant bunny (I miss Buffy too) and the peeing monster! Your imagination and color sense are excellent.
Thanks for the kind comments everyone.
No worries Val. He's not sad, just sleepy. He's not used to getting up so early to go to school.
Now THAT'S a bunny. Anya cracked me up with her bunny phobia. During the musical when she rocked out blaming the bunnies for their predicament, I was dying. I love the expression on both of their faces, so forlorn. The tooth/tusks are hilarious!
That last character is hilarious. I would expect him to hang around in a bathroom somewhere. nice job.
Great monsters Angela. Is that first guy more of a Harvey the Rabbit or more like that creepy bunny from Donnie Darko that tells him that the world is going to end in twenty-eight days? The middle guy looks like an evolved whale. Cool! I especially like the commode creature. I wonder if he sneaks in and eats all of the urinal cakes? Try not to visualize that.
Very cool beasts!
nice take on the civility of monsters ;-) - and love the rest of your blog art. ps i just took a look at the deviantart shop, and your lily painting is fabulous!!
Whaaat? No way! The blue guy having a slash is great! Potty humor is not dirty. Shoot, it's the first category of jokes that we understand as kids: pee pee, ka ka, doody, boogers!
Of course, this is coming from a guy who posted a pic of two guys openly comparing crotches, but I submit that even that is just potty-humor! It is a commentary on how us guys can't seem to compliment each other the same way that women can. Nudity just happens to be funny to me.
Oh yeah! Nice bunny! TEEETH!
And you were right on about "Fudge" the Once-Buried Teddy. He is misunderstood; as usual, it's the superstitious human who has it all wrong! LOL!
Xander the bunny is more like a Caleb from Desparate Housewives type of character. He would never intentionally harm anyone, isn't in complete control of his own strength.
Oh, and too late. I did visualize. Ewwwww.
What wonderful monsters....all three of them. My favorite is the bunny monster though. I love those big buck teeth. LOL
What wonderful monsters....all three of them. My favorite is the bunny monster though. I love those big buck teeth. LOL
Love your monster illos!! very coool wicked monsters!
I don't know how I missed this one or ones. They are all so fantastic! The first one - wow! I love those teeth. The second one is just perfect - I love the look and the colors. And the third one is hilarious! Fabulous monsters.
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