Although I don't have any tattoos myself, nor plan to, I do really enjoy the series Miami Ink. What I like most is hearing the stories of those about to go under the inked needle. Their tales are so passionate and heartfelt. They come in with so many different reasons for doing something so permanent. The father who got a tattoo of his young daughter beating cancer, people who get tattoos to remind them of family or friends who have passed, and those wanting a lasting reminder of a particularly trying time all are so touching. That's what is fascinating to me about tattoos. It's not just that they are a piece of art, but they often carry a lot of emotions in those images.
I am really enjoying your art. Your colors just really work for me! I love what you said and your illustration is fantastic. I really like the expression she has looking at her arm.
I like your contemporary drawing style. Nice illo.
I really like the two color approach you took here...it's such a simple but striking image. I guess i missed your insect last week...another wonderful illo! There are soooo many IF submissions to go through and i feel bad when I miss so many:<
Oh, Carla you should never feel bad. Attempting to comment on everyone's work is a major task. You always leave so many well thought out responses letting everyone know how much you care. You are truly wonderful!!!
Interesting colours and thoughts to the topic.
I love Miami Ink too! I will also never get a tattoo but I am facinated like you are, the history behind the tattoo's are pretty powerful.
Your illustrations for this week and last week are both beautiful. I love the contemporary feel to this one and the colors are wonderful
you are so right! I also like the tattoo artists that interpet these peoples dreams,they are very dedicated. I do not have any tatoos either. I always love the art you create, the colours you use and the things ou have to say!
NIce, great colors!
Fantastic image!! LOVE IT!! She looks so demure, yet has that tattoo as though she is trying to send a mixed message. I also agree about Miami Ink and tattoos. I would never have one...but, love the show! Tattoos are an artistry all their own.
Oh wow! What a surprise to see this beautiful illustration tonight! The blue & red color combo is just stunning. Wonderful work.
I love your color scheme. The design is great. I love the expression on her face. I can't decide if she's second guessing the tat or if she's regressing back to childhood with her 'Look Mommy, I got a permanent boo-boo' pout. Either way I think it's great! I myself could never get a tattoo, I couldn't stay with the same piece of art on my body for all times. I would constantly want something new. Besides my tat would probably be an angry Smurf or a disgruntled Snork. Not exactly Hell's Angels stuff.
beautiful and elegant!! Charming illo!
What a beautiful, feminine illustration. I love the way she's looking at her own tattoo, as if she's just gotten it and is admiring the work, or perhaps she's had it for a while and she's reminding herself of that emotionally charged moment you describe in which she decided to get it.
Thanks everyone, it's good to see so many Miami Ink fans. Not too many shows out there about creating art. My favorite creative reality show though is Project Runway.
Trevor, I couldn't get a tattoo for the same 'always changing my art tastes' reason. Oh, and I'm a big wimp when it comes to pain.
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