Nutritionists are always telling us their latest theories---eggs are bad...no wait, eggs are good. Real sugar is evil, but now they say most sugar substitutes are even worse. My theory is that we already know what's good for us. A meal of home cooking with fresh garden vegetables is about as good as it gets. Mmm mmm!! :)
I did a rough sketch of this last week, but didn't have time to take it any farther. It's one of those images that popped in my head. I just bought 2 of Rébecca Dautremer's children's books, Princesses, and Cyrano. I've been wanting them for awhile, but my US Amazon wasn't carrying them. I happened upon Amazon France, and decided to give my password a try, and I was surprised that it worked. It never occured to me that all the Amazons worldwide use the same information bank. I decided to order from Amazon Canada since it is closer. Shipping only took a week longer, and there were no customs fees, so I was super pleased. I find her work very inspiring. In this sketch I focused on the big sweeping shapes, and then refined a few areas. I really want to try a traditional painting of this, but this digital photoshop painting helped me work out the colors.
Oh I love the colors and your perspective in this illustration! It's so wonderful and comforting! The texture is faboo and her little hands are so cute! Great idea visiting the other Amazon sites, I am going to try that! And thanks so much for the YMMD award, that's so nice of you!!
a : )
lovely illo! the perspective and the sweeping shapes really make it interesting. I also love the color palette. Great job!
this is terrific.
Very nice!
This is wonderful! I do love those garden fresh veggies, but this whole illustration is beautiful, from the overhead view to the well-drawn stovetop.
Nice illo and great comment on nutritionist. I agree, nothing beats good ol' home cooking.
I wish I had your computer elves if they were able to make this wonderful illustration! I want to trade my elves in... :)
Beautiful illustration. You are so right about nutrition theory... I love the bird's eye point of view (but there wouldn't be birds in her kitchen!)
What a pretty illustration!
This is so lovely as it is. I hope you can create a painting from it. It will be worth the time.
Just one word: WOOOOW!
Very, very nice piece!!!!
I love love love this...
Thanks everyone!! :)
this is wonderful!
outstanding. LOVE this color and the sweeping effect. the P.O view is perfectly done. it absolutely ties it all up. great piece, a! :)
What I love is the texture of it, too ... it reminds me of the 2 grandmotherly women who cooked for my family and me in Tuscany, just invited us in because we were friendly and asked, first, before we took pictures of their homes and gardens. This is just incredible ...
There is so much warmth to this illustration. It also puts me in the mood for a big bowl of vegetable soup. :)
The colors are so yummy and make me hungry! It's so true... nothing beats a warm, home-cooked meal!! mmmmm....
I totally agree. There's nothing better than a good home cooked meal. Great illo.
oooh, now i am wanting to cook something yummy for dinner tonite!
very nice illustration. :)
Love the colors. I wish I could draw people like you!
Now I'm hungry!
You did a great job!!! This is really a nice illustration! I love the color and the dress! Excellent!!!
Richly eye-pleasing image! Radiatea warmth!
I just love the composition on this. Very dynamic and yet so warm and pleasing... and, of course, your characters are always so heart warming.
I also couldn't agree more on your theory about us knowing what's good for us. A little common sense is all you need to be healthy! That and enjoying sweet illos like this.
Great job!
love this angela, great perspective and perfect colours. It FEELS like she's cooking up a yummy healthy dinner!
"Better than Mama!"
Bob would know that's from the Wii cooking game. The little vegetables floating above her made me think of it.
I love the texture and colors, plus it deals with my favorite subject: the preparation and the eventual eating of food. You're right on about the vegetables.
Wonder picture, I love the line work and the way her dress is a abstract red shape. Really beautiful. I've had a hard time getting her stuff too, I actually had a cousin in France send me her latest book.
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