I've been meaning to post some photos I took a couple years back of the actual wardrobe that inspired C. S. Lewis to write The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was on display along with his writing desk, and other items. I was most interested in the wardrobe, which although it was not the one from the movie it was more special because it was the catalyst to the entire Narnia series. I thought it was timely to post it now with the new movie, Prince Caspian out in theaters now.

How nice! The girl is lovely, very nice style!
I really like your work!! Great piece.
Great choice for this weeks topic and an effective illustration, nicely done. (Just scrolled down your blog again and your 'sacrificial chipmonk' still makes me laugh out loud!)
Hey Angela! thanks for the comment on my blog the other day... your illustrations are awesome! the combination of color and line is great! and with a hint of texture... I love it!
I will be checking back frequently... Great work! :)
nice illo, angela and I love how you tied it in to the movie..what great idea!
Your style would be great for a Narnia picture book. Love the colors and how you shaded the wardrobe.Great work!
this illo is great! I like your style, what do you use to create the images? I just saw Prince Caspian, very good movie!
Thanks everyone!
Bee, I'm so glad my chipmunk sacrifice got a laugh. :)
Woody, This is a sketch scanned and colored in photoshop.I also brought it some subtle scanned textures, and did a little gradient action to make that back corner darker. I always end up with lots and lots of photoshop layers.
This is great! I just love our style. Your style would indeed be great for a picture book of this story. What a cool idea Eric had.
Very cool tie in to the theme too!
A great concept!!
wow - great illo and so awesome to see the actual wardrobe!
i finally got around to describing a typical day in my oh so thrilling life :)
Great idea, and very festive for the movie season. Your style is perfect for the Narnia series.
This is awesome, I love it!! hey I want to put a link to your blog, do you mind?
Great illustration. I really like the underlying texture. Thanks for sharing your snapshots too, very cool.
Ah your drawing is quite charming.
Fun to see the actual wardrobe, lovely piece of furniture, I can see how it is full of inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
Great picture!
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